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Getting Started In Cybersecurity in 2023

Writer's picture: David LeeDavid Lee

Updated: Mar 6, 2023


Cybersecurity is a booming field, and the demand for cybersecurity professionals is high. It's also an area where it's easy to get started with a wide variety of career options and specializations. This guide provides some suggestions for how someone just getting started in this profession can begin their path towards becoming a full-fledged professional.

Learn the fundamentals.

>The first step to getting started in cyber security is to learn the fundamentals. This means understanding how attacks work, what hackers do, and what a company needs to do to protect their data and networks from being breached. Here are some resources that can help you get started:

  • Learn about Linux, which is our preferred operating system for security professionals. It's free, open source software that allows users full control over their computers and servers while still providing very strong protection against outside attacks. If you're new at this whole computer thing, we suggest starting with an easy-to-use distro like Ubuntu (which has a user interface similar to Windows). If you already know enough about computers but don't have much experience using Linux machines for everyday tasks like browsing the web or chatting with friends on Skype then try out any number of other distros such as Fedora or Mint — all of which come preloaded with lots of useful software packages including firewall tools like ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall) or iptables along with antivirus programs like ClamAV which can detect malicious code hiding inside files before they even reach their intended target machine(s).

  • Learn how the command line works by practicing typing commands into text boxes instead of clicking buttons with your mouse; this will help build up muscle memory so that eventually typing becomes second nature instead because otherwise sometimes people will forget where things are located within an application window just because they've never used it before! You'll need this skill especially when working remotely through something called SSH protocol (secure shell), which lets us connect computers together securely via network connections - usually over wireless internet connection - without needing any extra hardware."

Learn how to use Linux.

Linux is a popular open-source operating system that's used on servers, desktops and even mobile devices. It's the most common operating system in use today, which means it's used by nearly every major website that you visit—including this one.

Linux provides many advantages over other popular operating systems like Windows or MacOS: it's free to use (as long as you're willing to pay for support), has fewer security flaws than other operating systems and can run on a variety of different devices from phones to laptops to supercomputers.

There are many different distributions of Linux available; if you're just getting started with cybersecurity then I would recommend using Kali Linux because it comes preloaded with many useful tools used by hackers and pentesters (people who test security).

Get some work experience.

The first step to getting started in cybersecurity is to gain some experience.

That could be by getting a job that requires you to use some of the skills you've learned. Or it could be by volunteering, which can help you gain valuable experience and meet professionals who might help you get a job later on.

The second step would be learning more about cybersecurity as an industry and then deciding where you'd like to work (if not at home).

Think about networking and collaboration.

One of the most important ways to get your career going in cybersecurity is to build up your network and find people who can help you further. You can do this in person or online, but it's important that you go out and meet people so that you have a strong foundation for your career.

Some ideas for networking include:

  • Attending conferences, meetups, or other events where professionals gather. These are often held by professional associations like the International Association of Information Security Professionals (IAISP), which has events all over the world with speakers on various topics related to information security.

  • Joining professional associations like IAISP (which has chapters around the world). As an associate member, you can attend local chapter meetings as well as some international conferences without paying any registration fees—which saves money while giving you access to great networking opportunities!

  • Volunteering at community events related to information security such as Defcon Kids Camp or CTFs (Capture The Flag competitions) taught by seasoned members of these communities who know how things work there better than anyone else does because they've been doing them for years themselves!

Research where you want to live.

  • Research where you want to live.

  • If you want to work in a specific city, make sure that city has the right type of jobs for you. For example, if your dream job is a cybersecurity analyst at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California—and all of the local employers say they can’t hire anyone with your experience because they don't have enough local talent—you may need to consider relocating.

  • Also think about how much time and money it would take to relocate (especially if you're moving internationally). Will it be worth it?

  • If you want to work remotely, consider what kind of internet connection is available in that city. A lot of companies don't allow remote employees unless there's fast wireless service available (this will be especially important if your job requires lots of data transfer).

Cybersecurity is not one-size-fits-all.

Cybersecurity is a broad topic, and there are many different career paths in the field. You may be interested in cybersecurity because you want to hack into computers or phones, but that's not all there is to it. There are also many specializations in cybersecurity:

  • Cybersecurity management (what we're discussing here)

  • Cybercrime investigation

  • Information security engineering

  • Digital forensics (forensic science)

Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, and can choose from a wide variety of career options and specializations depending on their skills and interests.

There are many different types of jobs in cybersecurity. These include:

  • Security professionals who work within an organization to protect its network and systems from attacks, breaches, viruses, malware and other threats.

  • Information security analysts who are responsible for monitoring the company's computer systems for suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts. They also create policies that prevent such events from occurring in the future.

  • Penetration testers help organizations determine how secure their systems are by testing them with real-world scenarios and techniques that hackers would use. If you're interested in this role, you may find yourself often working against others as part of a competition or game event – think "hackers" versus "security professionals."

Cybersecurity professionals can choose from a wide variety of career options depending on their skills and interests. If you're just starting out in this field or want more information about it before making any decisions about your future education plans, there's no better time than now!


Cybersecurity is a field that is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends in this fast-moving industry. The good news is that there are many ways to do so—from getting work experience and certifications up through doing research on your own time!

I provide 1 on 1 guidance sessions tailored specifically for you to learn how to get into cybersecurity, what you should look at studying first, with a full plan towards success. Click here to book a session with me today!

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